We are offering a variety of all-natural amendments to help build a healthy soil ecosystem for your garden. Each of our products are alive and contain the highest number of living microbes to ensure a healthy environment for your plants to grow. When your soil is healthy there is a symbiotic relationship with the plants. This in turn yields the largest, healthiest harvests. You will never have to apply pesticides, herbicides, or fertilizers when you have healthy, living soil.


Living Soil………………...$7/cubic foot

Our soil has the highest content of microbial life. A spoonful of this soil contains more organisms than humans on the planet!! We take special care in making our soil. Our process takes over a year to make and involves a mixture of natural materials with local decomposers, bacteria and fungi. The result is a growing medium that promotes strong roots for a healthy plant.

Mix into your garden bed or throw in a handful into the hole every time you bring in a new plant. Use as mulch or throw into your existing compost bin as an inoculant. Our soil is rich with microbial life. Every garden will benefit from our living soil.


Worm Cakes………..…$6/quart

The most essential part of a healthy garden is a good population of earthworms and beneficial bacteria. Earthworms not only aerate the soil, but they help break material down into a form that roots can feed off. Earthworm manure, or castings, are one of the best organic fertilizers for plants. Put a spoonful on each plant in the garden or mix with a gallon of water and apply as needed.

Our worm cakes are a cut-out from the worm vault where the worms reside. Our worm casings have been aged and decomposed further providing a fertilizer that is easily absorbed through the plant’s roots. This is a living fertilizer with beneficial organisms that help the roots of plants take up nutrients. This is a “must have” for all organic gardeners.


Activated Biochar……..$6/quart

Biochar is a microbial sponge that has been used to enrich soil for over a 1000 years. The biochar we create is aged in compost where indigenous microorganisms dwell and populate inside. This is called “activate.” Burying this into your soil brings microscopic beneficial organisms essential for a healthy, organic garden.


Compost Tea…………..…$5/ half gallon

Imagine a cup of tea made of compost. Many of the beneficial organisms in compost are water soluble and can be applied during the watering schedule for your plants. Or, spray it all over your plants as a foliar spray for immediate absorption. The good thing about actively aerated compost tea, is it’s a living tea. Applying this to your plants makes them happy because you are feeding them a buffet of beneficial organisms.